Sunday, September 22, 2013

Besoin De Repos*

   Welcome Back! 
Another School Week is begining tomorrow.
I don't know how i am going to survive next months. 
It's just third week of school and I am seriously tired. 
I have already three quizess and one exam. I want holidays back <3 
Students have to study all day all night. I hate It.
Why teachers have to give as a homework? 
Seriously I think everyone wants to relax when they are come back to home. 
Including Teachers of course. 
   Tomorrow I am going to write a short exam about book "Little Prince".
I think this book can teach people something about our life.
Why we should be happy and enjoy every moments. 
Why we should appreciate everything that we have got now. 
Cause nobody know what will happen in a few weeks, days or seconds.
Everything depends on us.
How we are going to spend the rest of our life,who we are going to be and
What we are going to do. It is our own life. 
For first think about yourself, about your future. 

                                                                              xxxx. Vicky

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